Monday, June 27, 2011

family tree emails

dear diary,

the reason i am trying to gather previous emails relative to the family
tree project is that i am trying to put them together in one place
available as a ready reference to anyone who might be interested in our
family history.

i still don't know how to do this. i cannot keep them in my webtv files
because they will all disappear when we give up the service. i cannot
even print them since i do not have a printer. before i tried sending
them to allan's computer to be transferred to a diskette but now i can
not find that diskette.

so maybe, i am thinking of doing it all over again, send all relevant
emails to allan's computer for transfer to a diskette but this time i
will take care of keeping the diskette myself.

also, i am thinking of sending them to computers in the philippines so
they can be preserved in other diskettes there. i think alice will be of
great help in this regard. i wonder if she has heard anything from

i asked netnet if her laptop can do this function but she said she still
has to ask benjie about it. how about your computer. can it do this.
i'll also ask butch in pasig. then, i'll also ask those in the
states to do the same so everyone will have their own computer file of
the family history related emails.

i don't know if this is the database which marivic and beth were
suggesting before. i'll check if they have preserved anything in this
so-called base at all.

i'll appreciate it if you can all give me suggestions on how to go about
this. in my case, i also wish to print them eventually and compile them
in a folder or even print them in book form.


i cannot recall right now who suggested the idea of having a computer database in which to compile all materials about the family tree project that we might be able to gather...but sooner or later i know i will be able to trace the email that contains this suggestion....

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