Sunday, June 26, 2011

another possible project for the family tree of lola Tina and lolo Badong, Sr.

Re: my diary/lyrics-songbook - (other projects for family tree)


dear diary,

i have a friend from romblon who is now a doctor somewhere in california
who has devoted himself to an annual project in romblon in connection
with the printing of the souvenir program for the town fiesta.
i understand that over the years, he has contributed to the cost of
printing this souvenir program in the name and honor of his late father
and mother. he appeals in the space where his compliments or greetings
appear that the townspeople of romblon to always remember his father
and mother.

we, who belong to the family of our parents, Salvador B, Acejas, Sr. and
Florentina J. Acejas, i believe, can also undertake such a project so
the people in romblon will always remember them too.

after all, kuyang salvador, ate ester, kuyang ted, kuyang pepito and
myself all graduated from the romblon high school. and so did most of
the children of ate rosing including gary or bobot, manding, pio, roger,
mario, marcelo, anita and rose costo. and so also did, the children of
kuyang salvador, including boy III, lilia, totoy, and alice, and maybe

kuyang pepito and roger costo graduated valedictorian of their
respective classes. kuyang ted was elected president of the student body
in his senior year and graduated first honorable mention.

kuyang salvador, kuyang ted, and kuyang pepito were in succession the
batallion commanders of the the pmt corps. i remember how papa was so
proud of this accomplishment of my elder brothers, and i knew that he
would have been prouder still if i also were able to complete the feat
in my senior year. but it was not to be and i did not make the honor.

but i'd like to believe, only because a classmate of kuyang pepito
elected to take a leave of absence from school due to the adverse
effects of a strong typhoon that hit romblon at the time, only to come
back to school and join our class when were in second year. he was named
our pmt batallion commander in our senior year, and he,in fact, became
our valedictorian too.

when i was younger, i always wondered why the sari-sari store mama
operated in romblon, romblon carried the name Madrid Store. it was only
very much later that i learned she named the store after her own mother,
Bibiana Madrid.

i guess it was her own way of paying respect and gratitude or loyalty to
her mother. and i suspect the same contributed much to the success that
mama achieved in the conduct of the business of the store.

that's how she sent all of us her children and even some of her
grandchildren to college, including her oldest grandson, norberto, to
the catholic seminary in capiz where he obtained his priesthood. of
course, papa helped in this through the salary he earned from his job at
the marble company in the town.

i will continue this next time because it's time to go to bed.
december 15, 2009


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