Friday, June 24, 2011

DEAR DIARY (something about Lola Juana) - POSTED ON FB. as first Note.

dear diary,

uncle jun has requested me to write something about lola juana in my
diary and to post it in my facebook. actually, i have already written
something about this subject in an email dated way back dec. 14, 1998
and i am sending you herewith copy of my said email.

december 20, 2009


dearest diary,

thanks for the pictures of maceo, tallulah, and mom.... by the time i
saw them, winnie  was already here from dallas... jun came in
at twelve midnight and saw the pictures yesterday noon... they both had
a nice time viewing the pictures of your two apos and your daughter
in-law... and the pictures were much easier to access than the ones we
sent you...

actually, winnie came to visit us as he had promised to us in manila...
after attending an arthur andersen conference in dallas... representing
the accounting firm of sgv... wherein he is a partner... jun came to
fetch and bring him to deatsville, alabama.... i think winnie came just
in time for the formal opening of jun's clinic there this week... allan
was not able to show winnie around atlanta because he was and is still
down with the flu he caught since thursday...

we were up till past three in the morning... just indulging in
conversation about so many things, including the traffic situation in
the manila... which is why our two visitors just spent the whole morning
yesterday sleeping... but they were able to go shopping at a tangier's
outlet store in macon yesterday afternoon before driving to alabama
before seven in the evening...

i indeed hope we'll really have a happy christmas reunion at jun's place
in deatsville... in fact, we are hoping other clan members can join us
there... jun has said everyone is welcome to do just that...
by the way, baby and i, netnet and her hushand, benjie, were able to
visit ninang juana and netty in munoz dec first... it was heartening for
us to see ninang juana looking fine and in the best of health... at a
time she was eagerly anticipating a belated birthday celebration she was
planning to hold a day or so after our visit...

she even gave us two autographed copies of her book plus a copy of her
picture with former president ramos as a remembrance of our visit... one
for baby and me.... and one for netnet and benjie... complete with her
affectionate dedication... she and netty showed us around the house,
especially the air-conditioned balik-bayan room upstairs... then she
asked netty to show us the j & p and the flaviano a pelmoka
buildings.... netty said we had better luck than george who was not
able to go inside or up the latter building....

netty and joe were not able to join our family reunion in fairview but
were able to attend netnet's and benjie's wedding and reception.... we
all missed ninang juana at both gatherings though...

netty was also able to join us in morning breeze during the mini reunion
we held there after the wedding reception of kuyang salvador's first
apo, the daughter of atty francisco salvador b. acejas III... netty came
in the evening, although by the time she arrived, kuyang salvador and
ate zeny had already left... but she was able to see and talk to linda
acejas... who came in about the same time as netty... this wedding was
held about almost one week ahead of netnet's wedding....

once again, thanks for the pictures... and it's certainly nice to hear
that george is out of retirement and back to work....

best regards,

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